Suck less

It turns out that blogging regularly isn’t something I am very good at. That doesn’t mean I want to abandon this space though. I have been knitting and spinning a bit in the last months. I was at a fibre festival in my area – the Backnanger Wollfest – and attended two workshops with Abby Franquemont. The Wollfest was wonderful and I met some lovely people, the workshops with Abby were full of information and quite fascinating. I wish I had remembered to take some photos and write a blog post right after it. I did take some notes during the “Getting more done with spindles” workshop and I have the sample of cabled yarn from the “Plying basics” workshop, so I might do a small blog post with that.

For the future, I plan to take part in the Tour de Fleece, a spin-along during the Tour de France (4. July – 26. July) organized in a group on ravelry. I will be part of the Team Suck Less, hosted by the “Friends of Abby’s Yarns” group and I want to suck less at spinning batts. My aim is to spin every day and use the BFL/silk noil batt I have from World of Wool on the wheel and two angora/merino batts from Seidenhase on my new supported spindles.

I enjoy spinning long draw, but have only used commercial top up until now. Spun from the fold or rolled up into fauxlags (hedgehogfibres has some good pictures how she makes them), I can make a nice yarn out of it. Nonetheless, I look forward to using a woolen preparation. I am keen on comparing the resulting yarns to the yarns I spun from a more worsted preparation.