Cardigans need buttons

The thing about cardigans is that even when all the knitting and sewing in is done, they need buttons. I knitted most of Laar two years ago. I had already bought the buttons but wasn’t sure if I should add a ribbon as stabilisation of the button band.

Laar in lilac with small white buttons

Laar – finally with buttons

In the end, I decided to go for it. I like the result and it gives the button band enough strength to hold the buttons. The stitches seemed small at the time, but they are quite visible if you look closely.

button band from the inside - ribbon visible

I like the inside as well

For Cria, it didn’t take as long to find the buttons, and I have sewn the ribbon down and started with the buttons.

Brown Cria with three green coconut buttons sewn in

Cria with the first three buttons sewn on

The ribbon matches the colour of the yarn almost perfectly and I think my future cardigans will get a ribbon at the button band as well.

Cria has a brown ribbon with brown shell buttons as backing buttons

Inside of Cria

Now I just have to sew in 16 more buttons and Cria is ready to wear!